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Safeguarding Team
If you are concerned about a child please contact: dsl@weyfield-tkat.org
If you or a child is in immediate danger, phone the Police on 999.
Designated Safeguarding Lead for Child Protection (DSL): (In reporting rank order)
Sophie Mulcahy (Designated Safeguarding Lead) |
Janette McClintock (Headteacher and DSL) |
Tonya Shred (SENCo and DSL) |
Claire Sullivan (Wellbeing Lead and DSL) |
Designated Teacher for Children Looked After (Virtual Schools)
Tonya Shred: senco@weyfield-tkat.org
Lead Governor for Child Protection:
Serena Baker
Email: serena.baker@weyfield-tkat.org
Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO):